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A 'cocaine nose' that sinks to the face... terrible drug memories

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조회 1,593회 작성일 23-03-04


A 'cocaine nose' that sinks to the face... terrible drug memories

[Hankyoreh S] Shin Chan-young's mind's poison, mind's medicine - Cocaine

Suppose you are the factory owner or farm owner in the movie. For you, the productivity of farm workers is always disappointing. One day someone will come and tell you there is a fantastic medicine that will solve your problems. Even if I work a lot, I don't feel tired, I don't sleep much, I work with concentration, and I don't feel hungry even if I don't feed a lot. If you have 'conscience and reason', you will doubt and send it back or ask about side effects, but the 'evil version' of you will buy it and secretly feed it to the workers as a fatigue reliever, and squeeze out even a drop of labor.

what drug is it? The correct answer is cocaine or amphetamine or methamphetamine (meth). You may have thought of coffee, but coffee's awakening and stimulating action has a different mechanism from that of cocaine, etc., and you have to go to the bathroom often (!). Cocaine is one of the representative drugs of stimulants. Because it has little medical use and is linked to addiction, dependence and social problems, it is classified and managed as a drug. There are more than 1.5 million cocaine users in the United States alone, and more than 500,000 cocaine-related emergency room visits each year. In humans and almost all animal species, including mice, rats, and monkeys, cocaine readily induces addiction and dependence.

Worst drug that is not a stimulant

Awakening means waking up and coming to your senses, complete awareness to the level of a Buddha where you can see what you couldn’t see, and waking up after drinking a lot of alcohol and becoming a somnolence, waking up when the rooster crows and returning to your senses. means to come

Korean and Japanese scholars who initially named stimulants must have focused on the positive aspects of these substances that keep people and animals awake and focused. In Western countries, the word stimulant or psychomotor stimulant is used. I don't use the word stimulant, which may sound very good depending on how you hear it. Even if it's not a drug like cocaine, everyone with knowledge will know that excessive excitement is bad for mental and physical health.

Like most stimulants, cocaine increases synaptic concentrations of monoamine neurotransmitters, particularly dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, and induces feelings of alertness, focus, and sociability, as well as feelings of happiness, euphoria, and heightened mood. Excitement, euphoria and indulgence, as well as action on dopamine, play a major role. However, it is not yet clear why cocaine is more potent than many other drugs with similar effects.

If the use is repeated and the dose is increased, impatience, anxiety, violence, insomnia, thinking disorder, delusion, etc. may occur, and excessive sleep, boredom, fatigue, increased REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, and bulimia may be induced. Cocaine has very severe withdrawal symptoms, and its physical and psychological dependence ranks second among all narcotics, and its harm to society ranks third. Number one is heroin. Cocaine strongly excites the sympathetic nervous system and causes various cardiovascular side effects. The blood vessel constriction is so strong that addicts who snort cocaine for a quick hallucinatory effect experience side effects called 'cocaine nose', in which the nasal septal blood vessels constrict, tissue necrosis, inflammation, and in severe cases, the nose completely collapses. do.

There are currently no good treatments for cocaine addiction other than symptomatic treatment of withdrawal and emergency symptoms. Since the early 2000s, attempts have been made to develop a vaccine against cocaine, but there is still a long way to go, including reports that antibodies to cocaine lower blood cocaine concentrations and consume more cocaine, in addition to ethical issues in preventing drug dependence. Cocaine use increases the expression of a gene called 'Cocaine and Amphetamine Modulating Peptide' (CARTPT) in the body, which is being studied as an endogenous stimulant similar to cocaine. It is involved in stress response, compensation, appetite control, water intake control, and neuropathic pain control, and curiously, there is a report that cocaine and cocaine rather suppress the action of cocaine when administered simultaneously. is receiving great expectations.

How great is the intoxication and seduction of cocaine? When given a choice between regular cocaine and about $2 in cash, people were more likely to choose $2 in cash, but when given a choice between 'crack cocaine' and $5 for smoking, they were more likely to choose crack cocaine. has research results. In addition to punishment and rehabilitation for cocaine addiction control, the argument that it will be necessary to provide economic, social, and cultural compensation and care so that people can lead a normal social life is also gaining a lot of strength.

Three things that ruin a person's life

Directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, <The Wolf of Wall Street> is based on the true story of a man named Jordan Belfort who was arrested by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for scamming hundreds of millions of dollars through stock manipulation. It is a black comedy film. It is a very high-level movie in which three sets of money, sex, and drugs that ruin people's lives are mixed, and Leonardo DiCaprio in the play lives with cocaine. Intoxicated with sedative-type drugs, in a state where your body and mind are so messed up that you can't even open your eyes and see, there is a scene where you wake up and inhale cocaine in an attempt to escape the crisis to avoid FBI, but you can't help but be stunned. . For those of us who live in a hectic world, a cup of coffee would be nice, but the moment we snoop on drugs instead of the nobility of our spirit, we will fall into excessive excitement and delusion rather than awakening. In order not to be like a mouse who pushes the cocaine lever until he dies, it is necessary to distinguish whether drug dealers in various fields of politics, economy, and society are selling stimulants, stimulants, or drugs.

An American black comedy and survival thriller film titled “Cocaine Bear,” based on the true story of an American black bear who runs amok after eating cocaine dropped from the sky by a drug dealer carrying cocaine, was recently released. The American black bear, drunk on cocaine, couldn't even run around like in the movie. A black bear found dead in the woods after ingesting a lot of cocaine is said to be stuffed and displayed as a spectacle at a souvenir shop in Kentucky.

A psychopharmacologist who admits that my mind is different from yours. As a pioneer in basic research on brain development disorders, he has published more than 190 papers on animal models and mechanisms of brain diseases.