뇌질환의 혁신, 뉴로벤티(NeuroVenti)


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International Pharmaceutical Bio Industry Exhibition 2023, Participate…

페이지 정보

조회 1,584회 작성일 23-04-28


International Pharmaceutical Bio Industry Exhibition 2023, Participated in ‘KDRA Bio Innovation Company Poster Zone’


Neuroventi, a company specializing in R&D for brain development disorder treatment, which achieved the feat of obtaining orphan drug designation for the world's first autism treatment candidate (NV01-A02), held the '13th International Pharmaceutical Bio Industry Exhibition' until April 21st. (ICPI 2023)' and participated in the 'KDRA Bio Innovation Company Poster Zone'.

ICPI is a global professional exhibition related to production processing, management, and outsourcing to improve quality control in the pharmaceutical, bio, cosmetics, and chemical industries. Neuroventi was proudly selected among 36 companies to participate in the 'KDRA Bio Innovative Company Poster Zone' prepared by the Korea Drug Development Research Association to promote the excellent technologies possessed by bio venture startups to domestic and foreign companies and investment institutions. there is a bar

Neuroventi presented a poster about Neuroventi's non-clinical CDRO service along with the introduction of autism treatment pipeline technology under development. Neuroventi has cell and animal models for various central nervous system (nervous, mental and neurodevelopmental) disorders, and conducts core preclinical efficacy evaluation and In addition, it was introduced that it provides a service that simultaneously evaluates the side effects of the central nervous system during dependence, and is also preparing for a domestic phase 2 clinical trial IND application for autism spectrum disorder treatment in 2023.