뇌질환의 혁신, 뉴로벤티(NeuroVenti)


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Neuroventi signs a business agreement with Guangdong Organoid Biotechn…

페이지 정보

조회 1,516회 작성일 23-03-13


Neuroventi signs a business agreement with Guangdong Organoid Biotechnology


Neuroventi (CEO Shin Chan-young), a new drug development company for brain development disorders, recently collaborated with Guangdong Organoid Biotechnology (CEO Kim Nam-hyung), a Chinese company specializing in human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-based organoid technology, to develop 'Autism spectrum disorder'. It was announced on the 13th that it had signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for the joint development and commercialization of therapeutic candidate materials and the establishment of a non-clinical CDRO platform.

Neuroventi's strategy is to use Guangdong Organoid Biotechnology's brain organoid technology to utilize the Chinese autism patient's iPSC library and advance the technology of drug candidates, taking a step closer to clinical trial approval and commercialization in China. According to Neuroventi, the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder in China is estimated at about 1%.

In addition, the two companies plan to establish a one-stop efficacy platform for in vitro and in vivo experiments by utilizing brain organoid efficacy evaluation technology and brain disease animal behavioral evaluation and analysis technology. Neuroventi explained that it will serve as an opportunity to expand the non-clinical efficacy and safety evaluation CDRO business for cranial nerve disease not only in Korea but also around the world, including the Chinese market.

Guangdong Organoid Biotechnology is a company that is conducting various businesses related to companion diagnosis, precision medicine, and drug screening platforms along with the development of new drugs for various intractable diseases based on commercialized organoid technology. It is known that the company is applying for official certification from the Chinese government for various stem cell and organoid standardized production processes with Qingdao Haier Biotechnology Co., Ltd. of China.

Neuroventi is a bio venture company researching and developing treatments for brain development disorders. Among the four pipelines, NV01-A02, a neurotransmitter multi-target candidate, aims to apply for a phase 2 clinical trial IND (initial trial protocol) in 2023. The Fragile X syndrome treatment pipeline received orphan drug designation approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in October 2022.

An official from Neuroventi said, "We are equipped with disease animal models and efficacy evaluation analysis technology for intractable brain diseases such as depression, epilepsy, schizophrenia, dementia, and Parkinson's disease, as well as brain development disorders such as Japes Spectrum Disorder and ADHD." of pharmaceutical and bio companies are providing CDRO services.”