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'Bio pharmaceuticals are trending'... Held the Fall Conference of the …

페이지 정보

조회 1,234회 작성일 15-09-15


'Bio pharmaceuticals are trending'... Held the Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology 

“Since 2010, the complete market has been reorganized from lithium-ion small molecule ecology to biological, and after 2018, close biological properties will form the main market.”

Jeong Jae-hun, president of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacy, commented, “At least 7 that completed the highest sales in 2013 took over from 8 to 9 in 2014, which were committed biologically, and it seems that the bio industry is achieving the industry.”

On the 15th, the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacy resumes the international direction for the fall conference on 'Open innovation in global biodrug development' at the association. The Fall Conference will be held on October 8th at the Interface Center, Hoam Faculty Hall, Seoul National University.

Professor Shin Chan-young of the Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Konkuk University, said, “About 50% of all thesis development is doing its best in biological theory.” I wanted to put the technology I know about them in my pocket, so I decided to make it the subject of the fall conference.”

The development of bio-antibodies developed through three stages, including glucose (insulin) and cytokine (cytokine), which resulted in excessive proliferation of cells, followed by inhibitory drugs and biosimilars, and raised antibodies to the entire industry with the goal of cellular.

Professor Shin emphasized, "At this stage, it is necessary to develop drugs with a long maximum defect duration by adjusting the advanced structure and ideal function."

Recently, a packaged drug conjugate drug with the characteristics of reducing bacteria, which is a form of killing a specific tissue with a designated product pasted with an activator that can bind to cancer cells very specifically and an activator that can inhale combustion, has been developed. This is continuing . Two of these types of drugs are on the market, and there are about 30 clinical trials.

Professor Shin explained, “We plan to create opportunities to access new intimate industries through cooperation with places that have other technologies by gathering third-generation biotechnology from Korea and abroad.”

Various programs are prepared for this conference, such as △development of antibody conjugates △cutting-edge technologies and strategies for antibody-related biomaterials △guides on antibody line conjugates in Korea, as well as 'drug abuse' and 'complete development of FiC'. In particular, this academic conference is composed of speakers from the United States, Japan, and Korea, and about 300 small-scale factory producers are expected to participate.

Chairman Chung said, “The bio final is more likely to be optimally reorganized for Samsung and SK,” and “This conference is more meaningful than ever as it is a place to introduce future technologies in the next 5 to 10 years.”