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New drug development with Autism EXPO, 'Creating a dream together'

페이지 정보

조회 1,400회 작성일 22-07-18


New drug development with Autism EXPO, 'Creating a dream together'


Autism Tox raises social interest in autism through free speech

DTx in the field of autism and developmental disorders, new drug development companies attend the event

Neuroventi is focusing on developing a treatment for autism spectrum disorder.

On the 15th, the 2nd Autism Expo hosted by Surplus Global and the Laughing Together Foundation put forward the slogan of 'Dream Dream, Draw Together', providing a venue for a festival where people with autism and developmental disabilities can enjoy together for the first time in 3 years did.

The event held on this day was full of rich programs for people with autism and developmental disabilities to communicate and enjoy together. The most notable was Autism Talks. People with autism disorder aroused social interest in autism disorder through the free speech platform.

An official from the Laughing Together Foundation said, “Surplus Global established the Laughing Together Foundation 10 years ago. There is a lack of information for children with developmental disabilities, so we are focusing on the content business.” We are running a site called 'E-Talk about Developmental Disabilities' for this purpose. We held this event as part of our content business," he explained the background of holding the Autism Expo.

An official from the foundation said, “I hope that the Autism Expo will become a place of festival and healing for people with developmental disabilities. I hope this will serve as an opportunity to increase social interest in developmental disabilities and change perceptions.”

The official said, "At this event, we prepared a stage for Autism Talks, where people with developmental disabilities can become the main characters. It is a program that can deliver their voices."

At the event, a digital treatment device (DTx) company in the field of developmental disability and autism disorder attracted people's attention.

New Dive is Korea's first digital treatment device development company that implements non-face-to-face remote treatment for developmental disabilities through the Metaverse platform.

An official from New Dive said, "As Corona 19 progressed, I thought that digital solutions could help children with developmental disabilities. In February of this year, I started New Dive." We are developing a non-face-to-face remote treatment platform for disabilities. Last month, we signed an agreement with the Ewha Womans University Child Development Center to develop a non-face-to-face treatment program for developmental disabilities."

The official emphasized, "We will develop innovative programs that are essential for children with developmental disabilities based on our (drug) licensing capabilities accumulated by global pharmaceutical companies."

Medkit is developing a digital treatment device for autism using app-based game play.

A Medkit official said, “As a company that makes digital treatment devices for autism, it is meaningful to attend this event in itself.” I attended the event to confirm,” he added.

What are Medkit's future goals? The person in charge said, "We are planning to treat children with autism through games. We want to make it easier for children to recognize emotions by actively participating in games, and to help them develop social skills so that they can communicate well with real friends." "We will release a digital treatment device that can contribute to enhancing life functions such as dressing and eating," he asserted.

Neuroventi is a bio venture that is developing an integrated treatment platform for brain development disorders and intractable brain diseases. In particular, Neuroventi is focusing on developing a treatment for autism spectrum disorder.

An official from Neuroventi attended the event, saying, "We can introduce trends in autism treatment development and new treatments to people with autism and their guardians. There are also events such as performances and painting, so I think it's a festival for people with autism." expressed his feelings.

The (autism) treatment candidate currently being developed by Neuroventi is said to be non-toxic and show very good efficacy. The company said, "We have completed manufacturing quality control (CMC) and are conducting formulation research."

The stage art talk show 'Artist's Way', where artists with developmental disabilities communicate and sympathize with each other, made this event shine. An official of the Laughing Together Foundation explained, "Among people with developmental disabilities, there are many people who are interested in art."

A person with developmental disabilities who attended the event said, "There are many programs for people with autism and it was informative and fun."