뇌질환의 혁신, 뉴로벤티(NeuroVenti)


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Neuroventi-Abio agrees to develop treatment for cranial nerve disease

페이지 정보

조회 1,404회 작성일 22-04-19


Neuroventi-Abio agrees to develop treatment for cranial nerve disease


Neuroventi (CEO Shin Chan-young), a development company for autism treatment, signed a business agreement with A-Bio Materials (CEO Byung-Jin Choi, Si-Jun Park), a bio-material development company, on the development of a treatment for brain diseases such as autism and functional health food using plant exosomes.

According to the agreement, Neuroventi utilizes plant exosomes and cellulasomes developed by A-Bio Materials in-house along with the cell and animal efficacy verification system, mechanism research, and central nervous system side effect verification system, which are already established CNS treatment development processes. The plan is to jointly develop an innovative autism drug with fewer side effects and excellent efficacy.

On the 19th, CEO Shin Chan-young said, “The two companies are developing autism treatment delivery systems using plant exosomes and cellulasomes and developing a mass production system for autism treatment candidates using genetic engineering-based new material biosynthesis technology. We are looking forward to creating an effect,” he said.

Neuroventi is a bio-venture company that develops prevention and treatment for brain development disorders and intractable brain diseases such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and fragile X syndrome (FXS). We are concentrating on the development of treatments through big data and AI-based disease discovery targets.

In addition, it is accelerating research and development to enter phase 2 clinical trials by securing a new drug pipeline for the development of autism treatment. The company is expanding its pipeline and business areas through research and development of various types of new drugs with biopharmaceutical companies such as Whanin Pharmaceuticals, Pharmgen Science, Pharmcad, and New Ain.

A Biomaterials is currently expanding its business areas into cosmetics, medicine, and healthcare by utilizing various biomaterial technology platforms such as plant exosome isolation and purification technology, plant phospholipid-based material delivery technology, and genetic engineering-based new material biosynthesis.