뇌질환의 혁신, 뉴로벤티(NeuroVenti)


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Neuroventi signed a business agreement with New Ain to develop electro…

페이지 정보

조회 1,433회 작성일 21-11-16


Neuroventi signed a business agreement with New Ain to develop electronic medicines for the treatment of brain development disorders


New Ain (CEO Kim Do-hyung) and Neuroventi (CEO Shin Chan-young), resident companies of Seoul Bio Hub, have signed a business agreement to develop electronic medicines for the treatment of brain development disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). revealed

New Ain and Neuroventi have technological prowess in different fields, such as electronic medicine and brain development disorder treatment research, and have formed a strategic alliance to develop ADHD and ASD treatments through cranial nerve stimulation by combining their own technology and infrastructure to take on new challenges. started.

These electronic drug technology-based treatment protocols are currently being actively used in clinical settings after FDA approval in the United States.

An official from New Ain said, “Currently, drug therapy is the most effective to treat ADHD or ASD, but side effects or addiction to drug treatment from a young age can occur. We hope to be able to apply it quickly,” he said.