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2018 Busan International Research Symposium on Autism Spectrum Disorde…

페이지 정보

조회 1,560회 작성일 18-10-24


2018 Busan International Research Symposium on Autism Spectrum Disorder.


[News Busan] The Disability Medical Science Symposium for the general public will be held for the first time on the 27th in Busan. Accordingly, it is expected to be of great help in improving social awareness of the handicapped and delivering correct information.

The Busan Branch of the Korea Autism Love Association (www.autismkorea.kr) was held at the international conference room on the 12th floor of Busan Metropolitan City Hall from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on the same day under the theme of 'Autism Spectrum Disorder Research, Changes the Future' at home and abroad. It was announced on the 22nd that it would hold the "2018 International Research Symposium" with medical scientists.

This symposium, held for the first time in Busan, is the presentation of the latest research by domestic and foreign scholars related to autism spectrum disorder. Social Service R&D Research Team · Konkuk University BK21Plus Demand Centered Intermediary Scientist Training Project Group co-hosted.

The Busan Branch of the Korea Autism Love Association, which co-hosts the event, cooperates with the Busan Metropolitan City Support Center for People with Developmental Disabilities and the Nasaham Welfare Center for People with Developmental Disabilities, and provides about 400 events for people with disabilities and their families, related medical, welfare, and educational practitioners, as well as the general public. application for participation was received.

At the symposium, Korea's best scholars and internationally renowned researchers related to autism spectrum disorder will introduce the latest research results in medical science to ▲recognize evidence-based treatment, ▲strengthen the capacity of practitioners, and ▲find the direction of policies for developmental disabilities.

The symposium will be held in the order of Opening Ceremony in Part 1, Presentations in Part 2, and Panel Discussion in Part 3.

☞ Part 1, Opening Ceremony

The first part begins with welcoming remarks by Kim Yong-jik, president of the Korea Autism Association, with Busan MBC announcer Ahn Hee-seong as moderator. Then, congratulatory remarks were given by Geodon Oh, Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City, Inyoung Park, Chairman of Busan City Council, and Hanung Yeom, Vice Chairman of the National Science and Technology Advisory Council.

☞ Part 2, presentation time

The presentation time for Part 2 is divided into morning and afternoon sessions. The morning presentation, chaired by Professor Ji-Hoon Kim of Pusan National University College of Medicine, will be presented on <Autism Spectrum Disorder Research in Korea, Where Are You From> by Professor Hee-Jung Yoo of Seoul National University under the theme of “Looking at the Current Research.”

Professor Eunjoon Kim of KAIST will give a special lecture on <The Role of Neuroscience in Autism Spectrum Disorder>, and Professor Anthony Bailey of the University of British Columbia in Canada will give a special lecture on <The Key to Solving Autism Spectrum Disorder: From Scientific Evidence to Action>.

After the special lecture, KAIST Professor Jeongho Lee will give a lecture on <Understanding Brain Development Disorders through the Eyes of Genome Research>.

The afternoon presentation will be conducted on two themes. First, Professor Min-Sik Kim of Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) chaired the theme of 'Brain of Autism Spectrum Disorder', and Professor Olga Peñagaricano of University of Basque Country, Spain, presented <Research on Animal Models of Autism Spectrum Disorder Tells Us>. About things>, Seoul National University College of Medicine Professor Lee Yong-seok gives a lecture on <What Happens in the Brain: Neurophysiology and Autism Spectrum Disorder>.

In addition, the presentation titled ‘The Future of Research, Our Future’ was chaired by Professor Jinhyeok Choi of Pusan National University, and Professor Dongwook Han and Professor Chanyeong Shin of Konkuk University College of Medicine presented <What is a Mini Brain? : Organoid Research in Autism Spectrum Disorder> and <Prospects for Development of Treatment Drugs: Precision Medicine for Autism, When Will It Come?> will be lectured respectively.

☞ Part 3, Panel Discussion

During the panel discussion in Part 3, the last session, led by Professor Yu Hee-jeong of Seoul National University College of Medicine, disabled people and their parents exchanged questions and suggestions freely with the lecturers on <What to Expect from Autism Spectrum Disorder Research>, discussing alternative solutions to problems in the field. do.